What are Strategies to Prevent Sexual Harassment? 

Sexual harassment is a serious issue, and it must be solved to a large extent for all employees. It affects the victim’s mindset and also leaves its impact on their productivity. Therefore, the employee and the employer need to have a strong strategy against sexual harassment.

In this article, we will learn a few strategies companies can adopt to reduce sexual harassment. So, let’s begin our discussion about what to do with workplace sexual harassment and how we can control it through effective strategies. 

What are Important Strategies to Prevent Sexual Harassment? 

  • Make a Sexual Harassment Policy: You must make a sexual harassment policy for the employees and the employers about what is expected from them in their organization. There must be policies about anti-sexual harassment so that there is a threat among the perpetrators of sexual harassment. The policy must be clear and concise to state all the necessary details about what includes sexual harassment, the procedure to file a case, the reporting system, and disciplinary actions. 
  • Put Effective Reporting Procedure in Place: It will be adequate to contain sexual harassment activities at the workplace if the company has a proper reporting system. There must be a lineage that will define how the victim can complain against the perpetrators. Additionally, the procedure must be simple so that victims can take steps for complaints. 
  • Train Employees against Sexual Harassment: The higher officials or the HR can’t always be present to stop the harassment. Therefore, the company must train all the employees to prevent sexual harassment. There must be sexual harassment prevention training for the employees. However, it is better that the incident does not take place in the first place. 
  • Consider Every Complaint Seriously: You must not take any complaint lightly as an employer. If you avoid one complaint, the incident might aggravate and create problems for the victim, and therefore, you must consider every complaint seriously and stop the incidents of harassment. 
  • Take Appropriate Disciplinary Actions: There must be a proper provision for disciplinary actions. These actions must be strict to ensure that the perpetrators have the threat of the results of their actions. If the perpetrator has done misconduct, there must be decisive action against the perpetrator to set an example for others that any misconduct will not be tolerated in the company. 

So, these are specific strategies that can help you to prevent sexual harassment in the workplace. 

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