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4 Amazing Facts About Cock Fights

Cock Fights date back more than 6000 years. It was seen as an activity for entertainment in earlier times. However, now the joy is added up by illegal activities. In this fight, two cock owners leave their cocks in a cockpit, and they fight until one of them dies or gets highly injured. Here are 4 top facts about Cock Fights. In Philippines, the game is called with the name of WPC and it is organized every year. Before some months ago, people start searching for WPC logins & registration process. Like there is still a much time left in wpc2025 but people have started searching about wpc2025 live login & registration process.

Animal Torture

Roosters and cocks meant for fighting are often tied to a small cage from one leg. They are bred specially for the sake of fighting, and the weak ones are killed by their masters. For making a rooster ready, steroids and other drugs are given to them 2-4 weeks before the match. Also, these roosters are kept in isolation so that they become angry, especially in the week before a fight. Their feathers and combs are cut before the matches so that they don’t act as barriers in fights from other roosters, but because of this, they lose their sweat areas and don’t cool themselves down.

Top Reasons

Often the reasons are considered to be religious legacy or gambling. Cock fights have spectators who spend money to watch the match. This money is then selected as gambling amounts by the owners of roosters. Also, such events are being used as a trick to maintain drug deals among people.


Cock fights lead to diseases in humans and other birds. Bird flu and other bird-transmitted diseases are counted under this. Breeders have hundreds of birds in their spaces. Since cock fight birds are not the same as natural ones, they automatically increase the risk to other birds.

Roosters who return from a fight come from an unhygienic background in the cockpit. They are injured, blood often comes out of their parts, and hence other birds can be infected.

Also, their owners pick the injured ones bare hand, which makes them connect with the germs present in injuries.

Religious and Effects

Cock fighting is considered an ancient activity. Commonly seen justification from the local public is that the cock fight is their religious activity. Reasons also include that the cocks are traditional to society and the government should not interface. In some parts of the world, cock fights happen because local people think defeated cocks’ blood will be a threat to evil spirits, and they will leave their curse.

Overall Cock Fights don’t come into the mainstream media and showcased popularity because of their illegal and animal harm nature. But in reality, cock fights are very common and have become one of the leading places for gambling and drug selling. If you are looking for wpc 2025 live login then you must visit official website of wpc and follow the steps.

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